Piqua Seed Library


The Seed Library is closed for now but will start up again soon. 


Choose from various vegetables, herbs, and flower seeds to borrow from the Piqua Public Library. Plant them at home or in your community garden, enjoy the harvest, save the seeds and return them to the seed library to share with others.  

What is a seed library?  

A seed library is a collection of seeds you can borrow to plant and grow food, herbs, and flowers at home. After your plants mature and “go to seed,” you save the seeds and return them to the library so we can share them with others in our community.  

What kind of seeds are available?  

Choose from various vegetables, herbs, and flower seeds. Some are heirloom seeds, some are organic, and some are conventional.   

Why is seed saving important?  

Today’s gardeners are returning to the seed-saving tradition when harvesting and protecting the previous year’s seeds were essential to providing the next crop. Seed saving creates a seed stock well-suited to the Miami Valley climate, the plants are more pest-resistant, and growers save money on their seeds and plants. Seed saving helps create a culture of sharing and community, too!  

How do I check out seeds?  

To check out seeds, fill out our online form. The form allows you to request seeds you would like to borrow (borrowers are limited to ten packets of seeds per month). Library staff will fill your request, and you can pick up your seed packets. Then, save some for yourself when the season ends and return the rest to the Seed Library.  

Do I have to return the seeds?  

We encourage donations back to the Seed Library, but you are under no obligation to save and return seeds. We want you first to learn the basics of gardening and seed saving.  




  • Seed to Seed: Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners by Suzanne Ashworth  

  • Heirloom Vegetable Gardening: A Master Gardener's Guide to Planting, Growing, Seed Saving, and Cultural History by William Woys Weaver   

  • Small-Plot, High-Yield Gardening: Grow Like A Pro, Save Money, and Eat Well from Your Front (or Back or Side) Yard 100% Organic Produce Garden by Sal Gilbertie  

  • Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre by Brett L. Markham  

  • The Vegetable Growers Handbook by Frank Tozer  




Recommended Uniform State Seed Law (RUSSL) from the Association of American Seed Control Officials (AASCO)  

“Seeds being distributed may not meet germination or varietal purity standards prescribed by the state seed law. Patented seed or varieties protected by the Plant Variety Protection Act will not be accepted or distributed without permission of the certificate holder.”