Maker Space



Maker space is  an innovative and creative space that provides patrons with access to a variety of resources, including a 3D printer, Cricut machine, sewing machine, Glow Forge, streaming station, book binding equipment, photo and video editing tools, and much more! Patrons may request no more than one reservation per day. Reservations are limited to one equipment station per session, for a maximum of 4 hours per session.


Reservation of Equipment Stations:

Patrons may request no more than one (1) reservation per day. Reservations are limited to one (1) equipment station per session, for a maximum of 4 hours per session. Additional time cannot be added to any reservation. Staff are available during reservations for assistance as needed.

You must submit your reservation request at least one (1) week prior to your desired reservation time (reservation requests may be submitted up to 1 month in advance). Reservations are on a first come first serve basis and are not guaranteed. Walk-ins are not available at this time.

The following items are required to reserve and use any equipment station in the Maker Space:

· An approved reservation

· A Piqua Public Library card in good standing

· A signed Maker Space waiver

Request a Reservation

If you need to cancel your reservation, please do so by calling the Piqua Public Library at (937)-773-6753. For more information regarding the Maker Space please email staff at


Minor Patrons:

Legal parents/guardians are required to sign the Maker Space liability waiver for all minors in their care. Minors must have a parent, guardian, and/or authorized adult present with them at all times while in the Maker Space and may not be left unattended at any time. Parents, guardians, and/or authorized adults are responsible for monitoring all minors in their care while in the Maker Space.


Maker Space Equipment:

Patrons are expected to stay at their reserved equipment station for the duration of their reservation time. Patrons may not leave stations unattended while machine(s) are running (with exception being for emergencies and/or restroom use). Staff are not available to monitor projects, but may be available if guidance on machine usage is needed.

Only the provided library computers may be used at equipment stations. Any patron projects or work saved on library computers will be deleted at end of reservation. Library computers in the Maker Space are not available for general use and are limited to the intended uses specified for Maker Space equipment. Any patron caught using Maker Space computers for reasons outside of their intended purpose are subject to being banned from future use of the Maker Space and/or the Piqua Public Library.


Available Equipment Stations:

· 3-D Printer

· Apple iMac

· Book Binding/Repair

· Button Maker

· Cricut Maker 3

· Glowforge Laser Cutter

· PC Streaming/Art/Editing

· Sewing/Embroidery

· Video/Photography

· Lamination

Patrons using the Maker Space are responsible that all conditions of use are followed and assume liability for any injury, loss, or damage to any person or property in or about the room and its contents. Reimbursement for damage to the facility and cleaning the room is the responsibility of the individual and/or group that originally reserved the room.


Consumable Materials:

Patrons are expected to provide their own project materials as there is a limited availability on consumable materials for Maker Space equipment. Price and availability of consumable materials is subject to change with market availability. Patrons are welcome to contact Maker staff for questions regarding what materials should be used for their project. 3-D Printer filament must be purchased from the library to ensure machine safety.

Consumable materials list and prices coming soon.


Maker Space Code of Conduct:

Piqua Public Library Patron Code of Conduct is expected to be followed while in the Maker Space. Additionally, the following will not be tolerated in the Maker Space and may result in a ban from the Maker Space and/or Piqua Public Library:

· Bullying/harassment of staff or other patrons.

· Fighting, rough housing, or explicit behavior of any kind.

· Misuse of any equipment or refusal to follow standard equipment safety guidelines.

· Attempts to create any item that violates Piqua Public Library Code of Conduct.

· Having food or beverages of any kind in the Maker Space.

· Refusal to clean up after using any reserved equipment and/or work station.




Attachment Size
Maker Space Policy and Procedure 116.16 KB
Maker Space Information 137.9 KB