National Pokémon Day
National Pokémon Day
National Pokémon Day is Thursday, February 27th! Join the Library for a special library wide scavenger hunt. Pick up your scavenger hunt guides at the Children's Department Desk.
All Ages are welcome to participate in the scavenger hunt.

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Applications are available at the first floor Circulation Desk and the Administration Office in the lower level.
Please email application, cover letter, and resume to


Circulation Policies


Books and Books on CD are checked out for a four (4) week period, with the exception of new adult titles which may be checked out for two (2) weeks. 

Compact Discs are loaned for two (2) weeks.

DVDs in the Adult Department are loaned for two (2) weeks. Up to four (4) DVDs may be checked out on a card at one time

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